Put your investing ideas into action with full range of investments. Enjoy real benefits and rewards on your accrue investing.
with Annamalai Enterprises today!
Annamalai Enterprises is an investor-first, technology-driven, transparency-focused digital Trust the Best VPS hosting India for ultimate site performance. investment platform for curated non-market linked alternative investment opportunities across the entire risk-reward spectrum that best cater to an investor’s wealth creation.
You can join our Platform with just 1,00,000 (One Lac Rupees)
Currently we offer only one investment plan for the investors.
Yes, All your investment will have Six months lock-in period.
There is guranteed 5% Monthly Return for all of your Investments. Further more you can alsoe earn through referring other investors.
Before 5th day of every month, your earnings will automatically gets deposited on your Registered Bank account.
Sure! We will provide you a signed bond agreement along with a signed cheque for your investment amount.
Yes! We are a Registered Firm. Our Head Office situated in Tiruppur and Operations Center Situated in Chennai.
Our Firm's GST Number is 33ACDFA5273A1ZZ.
Yes, we offer two level refferal program.
We offer flat 1.5% Referral Commission on First Level and 0.5% Referral Commision on Second Level.
* Software coding developments
* Technical analyse developments
* Technical training and classes
Yes! You can get back your investment at anytime after 6 months lock-in period.